Please note: Due to COVID-19, our services and classes have changed. 

You can join our virtual classes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7 PM by clicking here.  

Please see our COVID-19 policy page regarding in-person services.  


Think Jewish

Capitalize on your inheritance!

Torah Classes

The Torah is the inheritance of the entire Jewish people, without exception. Chabad of Davis offers opportunities for any Jewish person (as well as the curious non-Jew), man or woman, young or young-at-heart, to expand their horizons in their study of Torah. We offer classes every week, with G‑d's help, which explore the depths of Judaism in an intellectual and stimulating way.

On Sundays we offer a class on Jewish thought, text-based study discussing various topics of interest, from the meaning of life to hot-button issues to specifics of Jewish practice. This class includes textual study and discussion, at the home of Neal Levine, unless otherwise noted. The classes are at 7 pm. Currently the class is on Jewish Prayer, Jewish Philosophy - exploring the meaning of our prayers and the big ideas that we find in them.

On Mondays we have a Talmud class from 8:30-10 am. This class includes breakfast and Tefillin for those who wish. We study the Talmud from the text, and understand its methods. 

Locations may vary. For updates about times, locations, and topics of our classes, please subscribe to our CLASSES email list, here

During Shabbat morning services we discuss the Torah portion as we read it.    

Details of classes are not fixed, so that if participants have suggestions or requests, including about times and places, they may be accommodated where possible. Reminder emails are sent out with the details of the upcoming classes.

Click here to subscribe to our weekly Classes email.


Shabbat Services

Chabad of Davis holds services at the Chabad House. Shabbat services are on Friday nights at 5 pm, and on Shabbat mornings from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm. 

On the first Shabbat of each month we have a special service, with a minyan.

Hope to see you there soon!

Shabbat in a Box



Need to eat in this Shabbat? You can order "Shabbat in a Box" from us and have your Shabbat meals taken care of. Order at this link.