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Weekly Magazine
From kings and High Priests to rabbis and communal leaders, here’s a curious look at the unique ways Jewish inaugurations have been marked throughout history.
By Yehuda Altein
One of the most iconic symbols in the story of the Exodus, used to unleash the plagues and split the sea.
By Yehuda Altein
Do you know when Shabbat begins and who the Patriarchs are?
By Menachem Posner
How can I turn my lazy, self-centered youngster into a responsible and caring member of this household?
By Sarah Chana Radcliffe
By Yehuda Shurpin
Jewish History
Daily Study
Chumash with Rashi
Va'eira, 2nd Portion (Shemot (Exodus) 6:14-6:28)
Chapters 97-103
Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 13
- Rambam
- Hayom Yom
Halachic Times
El Macero, CA 95618
5:53 AM
Dawn (Alot Hashachar)
6:30 AM
Earliest Tallit and Tefillin (Misheyakir)
7:21 AM
Sunrise (Hanetz Hachamah)
9:47 AM
Latest Shema
10:37 AM
Latest Shacharit
12:18 PM
Midday (Chatzot Hayom)
12:44 PM
Earliest Mincha (Mincha Gedolah)
3:15 PM
Mincha Ketanah (“Small Mincha”)
4:18 PM
Plag Hamincha (“Half of Mincha”)
5:16 PM
Sunset (Shkiah)
5:45 PM
Nightfall (Tzeit Hakochavim)
12:18 AM
Midnight (Chatzot HaLailah)
50:18 min.
Shaah Zmanit (proportional hour)
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Davis, CA
Light Candles at
Shabbat Ends